BC PNP Calculator ( SIRS)

The British Columbia Provincial Nomination Program allows foreign workers, experienced entrepreneurs, and well as their family members to gain permanent residency in B.C. The BCPNP operates on a points system, which awards points for (a).Human capital factors such as work experience, education, language abilities, and (b).Economic factors(Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer, Wage of the B.C. Job Offer, Regional District of Employment) that the BC PNP considers reflect a person’s ability to succeed in the BC labour market and contribute to the local economy.
There is a total of 200 points available under BCPNP.

a). Economic Factors – 120 Points

b). Human Capital Factors – 80 Points

Skill Level And B.C Job Offer

1. Skill Level of the B.C. Job Offer*

2. Are you currently working in this job?

Hourly wage of the B.C. job offer

3. Hourly wage of the job offer(CAD) $ ?

Regional District of Employment points are

4. In what region of British Columbia is this job located?

Directly related work experience points

5. How many years of related (with respect to your job offer) work experience do you have in the last 10 years?

6. Currently Working Full time in BC for employer in the occupation identified in the BC PNP registration.

7. At Least 1 year of directly related experience in Canada?

Highest Level of Education Points

8. What is your highest level of completed education?

9. Post-secondary education completed in B.C?

10. Post- Secondary education completed in Canada (outside B.C)

11. Eligible professional Designation in BC.

12. Regional Alumni

Language Points

13. Language Points (CLB Level)

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